Hardware Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Element Polymeric Material Metallic Material
Electronic Component
Chemical analysis
− Use the ICP-AES, ICP-MS, and AAS to measure cadmium and lead in
polymeric materials.
− Use the CV-AAS, AFS, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS to measure mercury in
polymeric materials, metals, and electronic components.
− Test the chromized ferrous or non-ferrous metals by using the spot test
method or boiling water extraction.
− If the spot test fails to provide a definite result, you can perform boiling water
extraction to further confirm the test result. If boiling water extraction shows
the presence of hexavalent chromium, it is confirmed that the sample is
coated with hexavalent chromium. Measure hexavalent chromium by using
the colorimetric method.
− Use a gas chromatograph (GC) or a mass spectrometer (MS) to measure
PBB and PBDE in polymeric materials. Use a high pressure liquid
chromatography (HPLC) or a UV detector to measure PBB and PBDE in
polymeric materials.
− The density of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB, and PBDE needs
to be lower than 1000 ppm. The density of cadmium needs to be lower than
100 ppm.
7.2.2 WEEE
WEEE stands for the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive.
The WEEE mark is on the nameplate of the product. Huawei has concluded recycling
agreements with four professional recycling companies in Europe. According to the
agreements, the companies are responsible for recycling all Huawei waste
equipment in Europe.
The WEEE Directive aims to reduce the amount of electrical and electronic
equipment being produced and to encourage everyone to reuse, recycle and recover
The rate of recovery reaches 75% by an average weight per product. The reuse and
recycling rate of components, materials, and substances reaches 65% by an average
weight per product (the additional 10% is for energy recovery). Huawei Technical
Support Department also declares the number and weight of the products delivered
every year on the European Recycling Platform.
According to the European Recycling Platform and the agreements concluded
between Huawei and the recycling companies in EU, the recycling companies