
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 5 Configuration Templates Management
Using the Configuration Utility
-cwmp—Identifies the input file to be processed as a CWMP template file.
-a sc—Specifies a syntax check.
-r file—Identifies the input file as a file that has been added to the RDU.
-u username—Specifies the username to use when connecting to the RDU.
-p password—Specifies the password to use when connecting to the RDU.
To validate a template file that has been added to the RDU:
Step 1 Change directory to /opt/CSCObac/rdu/samples/cwmp.
Step 2 Select a template file to use.
Note This example uses an existing template file called sample-cwmp-config.xml. The -cwmp option
is used because a CWMP template is being used.
Step 3 Run the configuration utility by using this command:
./runCfgUtil.sh -cwmp -a sc -r sample-cwmp-config.xml -u admin -p changeme
sample-cwmp-config.xml—Identifies the input file.
admin—Identifies the username.
changeme—Identifies the password.
-cwmp—Identifies the file as a CWMP template.
After running the utility, results similar to these should appear:
Broadband Access Center Configuration Utility
Version: 3.0, Revision: 1.26
validating configuration template sample-cwmp-config.xml...
>sample-cwmp-config.xml is valid.
Testing Template Processing for a Local Template File
Use the runCfgUtil.sh command to test template processing for a local template file.
Syntax Description
runCfgUtil.sh -cwmp -a gc -l file -o file
-cwmp—Identifies the input file to be processed as a CWMP template file.
-a gc—Specifies instructions for configuration generation.
-l file—Specifies that the input file is on the local file system.
-o file—Specifies that the processed template be saved in XML format into the specified file.
To test template processing for a local template file:
Step 1 Change directory to /opt/CSCObac/rdu/samples/cwmp.
Step 2 Select a template file to use. This example uses the existing template file, sample-cwmp-config.xml.