
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring Broadband Access Center
Managing DPE Feature Pack Extensions
Adding and Modifying a License
To add, modify, or upgrade a license:
Step 1 Choose Configuration on the Primary Navigation bar.
Step 2 Choose License Keys on the Secondary Navigation bar.
Step 3 Obtain your new license key from either your Cisco Systems representative or the Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) website. See the Preface in this guide for TAC contact information.
Step 4 Enter the new license key in the License Key field.
Step 5 Click Add/Upgrade to install the new license key.
If you enter a permanent license key, it overwrites the corresponding evaluation key (if that key was
If you enter a license key (permanent or evaluation) for a new technology, it will appear in the
technology list.
Managing DPE Feature Pack Extensions
Cisco BAC provides a mechanism to license DPE feature packs extension. The feature pack licenses
indicate the count of the devices that can be processed by the feature pack extension. The feature pack
licenses can be added to the RDU through BAC admin UI (Configuration -> License Key) or API
independently with or without CWMP or DPE licenses.
You must buy enough CWMP licenses to cover the number of devices that would use the feature pack
extensions. For instance, if you buy a Femto feature pack license for X number of devices and DLC
feature pack license for Y number of devices, then you must buy CWMP License for at least X+Y
number of devices.
The feature pack licensing leverages BAC's existing licensing mechanism. Adding feature pack licenses
to the RDU is similar to adding other licenses such as DPE and CWMP.
The DPE feature pack license is similar to RDU, DPE and CWMP license. However, in the case of DPE
feature pack license, the MANIFEST of the DPE feature pack extension JAR should have the attribute
Extension-Name defined and its value should be in the format FP- Technology Name - versionnumber.
FP—Denotes it is a feature pack license.
ExtensionName— DPE extension technology name. For example, Femto, DLC, CPEaaS.
VersionNumber— DPE extension technology version. This version number must be the same or lower
than the version of the feature pack license added in DPE. If not, the DPE registration fails.
A few examples for FP- Technology Name - versionnumber would be FP-CPEaas-1.0, FP-CPEaas2.0,
FP-Femto-10, FP-DLC-1.0 and so on.