
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 5 Configuration Templates Management
Authoring Configuration Templates
Configuration templates support:
Parameter substitution—Substitutes values from the Cisco BAC property hierarchy into XML
element content and element attributes by using the
VAR() construct. (For details, see Using
Parameter Substitution, page 5-16).
Includes—Build a set of reusable template snippets. Includes are useful for defining options that are
common across many service classes without having to duplicate the options in several templates.
(For details, see Using Includes, page 5-17.)
Conditionals—Include or exclude blocks of text within a template. The text blocks that you can
enclose within the conditional statements are limited to parameter and object instance elements. (For
details, see Using Conditionals, page 5-19.)
Custom Properties
Cisco BAC properties provide access to data that is stored in Cisco BAC using the API. Using the API,
you can use the properties of corresponding objects to retrieve preprovisioned, discovered, and status
data. You can use properties to configure Cisco BAC at the appropriate level of granularity (from system
level to device group and to individual device). See Property Hierarchy, page 4-4 for details.
You can use custom properties to define additional customizable device information to be stored in the
RDU database. You typically use these properties to substitute parameter values in configuration
templates and firmware rule templates.
The template parser works from the bottom up while locating properties in the hierarchy (device first,
followed by the Group, provisioning group, then the Class of Service, device type, and system defaults)
and converts the template option syntax.
For details on substituting template parameters using the
VAR() construct, see the subsequent section.
Example 5-9 Retrieving Username or Password from Device
The following example illustrates how you can use templates to retrieve properties from different levels;
for instance, username and password credentials from a device.
<ObjectInstance name="InternetGatewayDevice">
<ObjectInstance name="ManagementServer">
<Value>VAR(name=/dt/username, defaultValue="User")</Value>
<Value>VAR(name=/dt/pk, defaultValue="http://testURL")</Value>