Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 4 CPE Management Overview
Initial Provisioning Flows
d. The device instruction set is forwarded to the DPE and cached there. Now, the DPE is programmed
to handle subsequent CPE protocol interactions for this device autonomously from the RDU. After
the device is added to the network and a configuration is generated for the device, the device boots
to allow the DPE to begin its interactions with the preregistered device.
e. During interactions with the device, additional information can be discovered and forwarded to the
RDU. In this case, the RDU may decide to generate new instructions and forward them to all DPEs.
For Unregistered Devices
a. From the Cisco BAC API, the RDU is populated with specifically defined configurations and rules
for various device types.
b. During bootup, when the DPE receives a device request, it performs a local search for instructions
cached for the specific CPE. Because the CPE has never previously contacted the DPE and because
device data was not preregistered into Cisco BAC, no instructions are found.
The DPE then packs all relevant CPE information into an “instruction set” generation request, and
forwards the request to the RDU. At the same time, the device request is rejected, forcing the device
to retry. Also, the device receives the configured SOAP request/response extensions from DPE cache
and the extensions are executed for the device. Unknown device extensions are configured in CWMP
defaults and are sent to DPE cache. For more information on configuring extensions for unknown
devices, see Configuring Extensions for Unknown Devices, page 18-4.
c. The RDU generates instructions appropriate for the CPE and distributes it to all DPEs within the
device’s provisioning group. The resulting CPE instructions direct DPE responses to various CPE
protocol events, such as a TR-069 Inform, and an HTTP file request.
d. The CPE is now registered and the details are stored in the RDU. The RDU captures the CPE
registration time. The property to retrieve the registered time is /IPDevice/registeredTime. This
property value can be obtained through the API IPDevice.getDetails() call.
e. The device instruction set is delivered to the DPE and cached there. Now, the DPE is programmed
to handle all subsequent CPE protocol interactions for this device autonomously from the RDU.
The following parameters are discovered by Cisco BAC for unknown devices:
• Whether the device IP address is routable or NAT’ed.
• Inform.DeviceId.Manufacturer.
• Inform.DeviceId.ManufacturerOUI.
• Inform.DeviceId.ProductClass.
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion.
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion.
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.ModelName.
• InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ParameterKey.
Note You can change the default list of discovered parameters. See Discovering Data from
Devices, page 12-11.
f. The device then reconnects, and receives the configuration instructions generated for it from the
RDU and cached at the DPE.