
Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Scripting Framework
This chapter describes the Scripting framework in Cisco BAC that involves configuring java script based
DPE extensions.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 18-1
Script’s Shared Scope, page 18-1
Extension Script, page 18-2
Integrating Extension Scripts in BAC, page 18-3
Adding Extension Points to the Device Property, page 18-3
Configuring Extensions for Unknown Devices, page 18-4
Verifying Extension Scripts Availability in DPE Cache, page 18-5
Verifying Status of the Extensions in DPE, page 18-5
Scriptable extension service facilitates running the java scripts based DPE extensions. Once the
extension scripts are added in the RDU database, the RDU applies the scripts to the DPE cache. When
the CPE boots and attempts to establish connection with the DPE, the extension scripts are executed
based on the extensions configured in the device property hierarchy.
Script’s Shared Scope
Script’s Shared Scope is a shared repository for extension scripts. Cisco BAC APIs like get properties
from PG, fire extension specific events, debugging, logging, and so on, are put into the Script’s Shared
Scope so that the extension scripts can call them whenever required.
The following objects are added in the Script’s Shared Scope for extension scripts:
Table 18-1 Java Objects
Object Name API
request CwmpHttpRequest
response CwmpHttpResponse