Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service Interworking 12-13
Functional Description
The NNI format supports a 12-bit VPI. A-bit status changes are passed to the remote end of the
The ILMI MIB and protocol was implemented in release 7.2. The additional support in consists of
an activation and configuration interface, collection of statistics, and end-to-end status updates.
• LMI Annex G
The LMI Annex G protocol was implemented in release 7.2. The additional support consists of an
activation and configuration interface, collection of statistics, and end-to-end status updates.
• Port egress queue configuration
Each of the pre-defined ASI-1 port egress queues can be configured by the user. These queues consist
of CBR, VBR, and VBR with ForeSight (ABR). The configurable parameters are queue depth,
EFCN threshold, and CLP thresholds.
• Backward congestion management
Backward congestion management cells indicate congestion across the UNI or NNI. Transmission
of these cells is enabled on a per-port basis. Software allows BCM to be configured on a UNI or NNI
port for maximum flexibility should BCM over UNI be standards-defined.
The following user commands are used to configure ASI-1 port features:
• cnfport
• cnfportq
Channel Statistics
Statistics are supported on a per-channel basis. A range of traffic and error statistics are available.
ASI-1 channel statistics are enabled by StrataView+ or by the BPX switch control terminal using the
existing statistics mechanism. The existing collection intervals apply.
Channel statistics of the following general types are supported:
• Cells received/transmitted, dropped, tagged as non-compliant or congested
• Cell errors
• AAL-5 frame counts, errors
The following user commands are used to configure and display channel statistics:
• clrchstats
• cnfchstats
• dspchstats
• dspchstatcnf
• dspchstathist