These inputs are connected to the PSIO module. The PSIO also provides outputs to the:
guide vane actuator; oil pump; oil heater; hot gas bypass (optional); motor cooling solenoid; and
alarm contact. The PSIO communicates with the LID, the SMM, and the optional 8-input
modules for user interface and starter management.
Starter Management Module (SMM)
This module is located within the starter cabinet. This module initiates PSIO commands for
starter functions such as start/stop of the compressor, start/stop of the condenser and chilled
water pumps, start/stop of the tower fan, spare alarm contacts, and the shunt trip. The SMM
monitors starter inputs such as flow switches, line voltage, remote start contact, spare safety,
condenser high pressure, oil pump interlock, motor current signal, starter 1M and run contacts,
and kW transducer input (optional). The SMM contains logic capable of safely shutting down the
machine if communication with the PSIO is lost.
Local Interface Device (LID)
The LID is mounted to the control center and allows the operator to interface with the PSIO
or other CCN devices. It is the input center for all local machine set points, schedules, set-up
functions, and options. The LID has a STOP button, an alarm light, 4 buttons for logic inputs,
and a display. The function of the 4 buttons or ‘‘softkeys’’ are menu driven and are shown on the
display directly above the key.