pressure reaches test level.
Do not exceed
140 psig (965 kPa).
5. Close the charging valve on the machine. Remove the copper tube if no longer required.
Repair the Leak, Retest, and Apply Standing Vacuum Test
After pressurizing the machine, test for leaks with an electronic leak detector, soap bubble
solution, or an ultrasonic leak detector. Bring the machine back to atmospheric pressure, repair
any leaks found, and retest.
After retesting and finding no leaks, apply a standing vacuum test, and then dehydrate the
machine. Refer to the Standing Vacuum Test and Machine Dehydration in the Before Initial
Start-Up section.
Checking Guide Vane Linkage (Refer to
Figure 35
If slack develops in the drive chain, backlash can be eliminated as follows:
1. With machine shut down (guide vanes closed), remove chain guard, loosen actuator
holddown bolts and remove chain.
2. Loosen vane sprocket set screw and rotate sprocket wheel until set screw clears existing
spotting hole.
3. With set screw still loose, replace chain and move vane actuator to the left until all chain
slack is taken up.
4. Tighten actuator holddown bolts and retighten set screw in new position.
5. Realign chain guard as required to clear chain.