To calibrate oil pressure differential on open-drive machines, refer to Oil Pressure Differential
Calibration at the end of this section.
Calibration can be checked by comparing the pressure readings from the transducer against
an accurate refrigeration gage. These readings are all viewed or calibrated from the Status01
table on the LID. The transducer can be checked and calibrated at 2 pressure points. These
calibration points are 0 psig (0 kPa) and between 240 and 260 psig (1655 to 1793 kPa). To
calibrate these transducers:
1. Shut down the compressor.
2. Disconnect the transducer in question from its Schrader fitting.
Note: If the cooler or condenser vessels are at 0 psig (0 kPa) or are open to atmospheric pres-
sure, the transducers can be calibrated for zero without removing the transducer from
the vessel.
3. Access the Status01 table, and view the particular transducer reading; it should read 0 psi
(0 kPa). If the reading is not 0 psi (0 kPa), but within ± 5 psi (35 kPa), the value may be
zeroed by pressing the SELECT softkey while the highlight bar is located on the transducer,
and then by pressing the ENTER. The value will now go to zero.
If the transducer value is not within the calibration range, the transducer will return to the
original reading. If the LID pressure value is within the allowed range (noted above), check
the voltage ratio of the transducer. To obtain the voltage ratio, divide the voltage (dc) input