DO NOT VENT refrigerant relief valves within a building. Outlet from rupture disc
or relief valve must be vented outdoors in accordance with the latest edition of
ASHRAE 15 (Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration). The accumulation of
refrigerant in an enclosed space can displace oxygen and cause asphyxiation.
PROVIDE adequate ventilation in accordance with ASHRAE 15, especially for
enclosed and low overhead spaces. Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor is
harmful and may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death. Misuse
can be fatal. Vapor is heavier than air and reduces the amount of oxygen avail-
able for breathing. Product causes eye and skin irritation. Decomposition prod-
ucts are hazardous.
DO NOT USE OXYGEN to purge lines or to pressurize a machine for any purpose.
Oxygen gas reacts violently with oil, grease, and other common substances.
NEVER EXCEED specified test pressures, VERIFY the allowable test pressure by
checking the instruction literature and the design pressures on the equipment
DO NOT USE air for leak testing. Use only refrigerant or dry nitrogen.
DO NOT VALVE OFF any safety device.
BE SURE that all pressure relief devices are properly installed and functioning
before operating any machine.