
Before Initial Start-Up
Job Data Required
list of applicable design temperatures and pressures (product data submittal)
machine certified drawings
starting equipment details and wiring diagrams
diagrams and instructions for special controls or options
17/19EX Installation Instructions
pumpout unit instructions
Equipment Required
mechanic’s tools (refrigeration)
digital volt-ohmmeter (DVM)
clamp-on ammeter
electronic leak detector
absolute pressure manometer or wet-bulb vacuum indicator (Figure 26)
500 v insulation tester (megohmmeter) for compressor motors with nameplate volt-
age of 600 v or less, or a 5000-v insulation tester for compressor motor rated above
600 v
Using the Utility Vessel and Pumpout System
Refer to Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures section for: pumpout system
preparation, refrigerant transfer, and machine evacuation.