Fixed Features (continued)
Distinctive Ringing
Provides different ringing patterns
● Know where call is coming
for incoming, transferred, and inter-
from and answer accordingly.
com calls.
Makes it possible to disconnect a
Drop a person from a confer-
person from a conference call.
ence call while maintaining
contact with others in privacy.
Drop a busy or unanswered
line that has been added to a
conference call.
Feature Status Inquiry
Makes it possible to find out
Checks status of buttons that
whether Automatic Answering On
do not have lights.
Intercom, Automatic Answering On
Easy troubleshooting.
Outside Lines, Do Not Disturb, and
Privacy have been programmed or
are activated on a voice terminal.
Group Listening
Person can turn on speaker so
● Other people in office can
that voice of person on other end
hear both sides of conversa-
can be heard in office. (See also
Hands-Free Unit.)
Makes it possible to keep some-
● Answer a second call or
one on line without communica-
attend to another matter.
tion. Green light next to line button
Have confidential conversation
on which you are holding call
without person on hold
flashes rapidly. Green lights next
hearing it.
to line buttons on which others are
Distinguish line button on
holding calls flash at slower rate.
which you are holding a call
(See also Music-on-Hold.)
from buttons on which other
people are holding calls.
Automatic Hold Release
Automatically opens line when
Know immediately when per-
held person hangs up. Green light
son on hold hangs up.
next to button goes off.
● Unused line is not kept busy
Automatic Hold Reminder
Beeps every minute when person
Held calls are not forgotten.
is on hold.