MERLIN System Features
communications system Models 1030 and 3070 with Feature Module
1 offers a wealth of features that provide exceptional telephone service both on a
business-wide and personaI basis. As system administrator, you will make decisions
about how the system operates as a whole and about some of the features that should
appear at each voice terminal. (The advanced telephones in the
are called voice terminals.) The charts on the next few pages describe all of the features
of your system. They are grouped alphabetically in three categories:
FIXED FEATURES are built into the system. Those that have permanently labeled
buttons appear in bold type in the chart.
CUSTOM FEATURES can be changed in accordance with company priorities
and personal needs. Those that you, the system administrator, should assign
are coded with the symbol [A] in the chart. Those that may be assigned by
the individual user are coded with the symbol [U] . Features that maybe assign-
ed by the user but which you may want to approve to meet the overall needs
of your business are coded with both symbols. A page reference under the name
of each custom feature in the chart directs you to the place in this manual where
you will find instructions on how to assign this feature.
OPTIONAL FEATURES AND EQUIPMENT are not included with the system but
may be added at any time.
The system comes ready to use with certain custom feature assignments already in
place on your voice terminals. The Appendix contains diagrams showing the initial
feature assignments for each model voice terminal. Since no two businesses are alike,
however, you will probably want to change certain assignments — and it’s easy to do.