Fixed Features
Call Park
A special kind of hold that permits
Attendant trying to locate
calls to be parked and retrieved
someone parks call and
from any voice terminal. Useful in pages person to pick up call.
pooled systems. (See also Call
Person takes call at nearby
Pickup, Loudspeaker Paging.)
voice terminal by means of
Call Pickup.
● Park a call and pick it up
again at another voice
Call Pickup
Makes it possible for someone
Answer another person’s
who hears another person’s voice
phone without leaving your
terminal ringing to answer from
another voice terminal. Call Pickup
People who move around
is also used to retrieve parked
from one place to another
calls and to pick up Night Service
can answer calls conveniently.
calls. (See also Call Park, Loud-
Employees who work late can
speaker Paging, Night Service.)
answer incoming Night Ser-
vice calls without leaving
Call Waiting
Provides brief ring or voice
Employees do not have to
announcement from speaker and
worry about missing important
flashing green light to indicate that calls while on telephone.
another call has come in.
Need for taking messages is
Enables person to make confer-
Have a question answered by
ence calls that include as many as
adding another person to
five people—the originator of the call—no need for time-wasting
call, two people from inside, and
two people from outside.
Pass incoming calls to ap-
propriate people outside your
system. Conference the call-
ing person to someone out-
side system, put them on
hold, and be free to do other
Employee who is working at
home and wants to make
long distance call can call of-
fice and be conferenced to
WATS line.