API Operation is a powerful alternative to the default Transparent operation of the ZB2430 and provides dynamic
packet routing and packet accounting abilities to the OEM Host without requiring extensive programming by the OEM
Host.. API operation utilizes specific packet formats; specifying various vital parameters used to control radio settings
and packet routing on a packet-by-packet basis. The API features can be used in any combination that suits the
OEM’s specific needs and can be different between radios operating on the same network.
API Transmit Packet
API Transmit Packet is a powerful command that allows the OEM Host to send data to a single or multiple (broadcast)
transceivers on a packet-by-packet basis. This can be useful for many applications; including polling and/or mesh
API Transmit Packet is enabled when bit-1 of the API Control byte is enabled. The OEM Host should use the format
shown in Figure 12 below to transmit a packet over the RF.
Figure 12: Transmit API packet format
API Send Data Complete
API Send Data complete can be used as a software acknowledgement indicator. When a radio sends an addressed
packet, it will look for a received acknowledgement (transparent to the OEM Host). If an acknowledgement is not
received, the packet will be retransmitted until one is received or all retries have been exhausted.
For applications where data loss is not an option, the OEM Host may wish to monitor the acknowledgement process
using the API Send Data Complete. If an acknowledgement is not received (Failure), the OEM Host can send the
packet to the transceiver once again.
API Send Data Complete is enabled when bit-2 of the API Control byte is enabled. The transceiver sends the OEM
Host the data shown in Figure 13 upon receiving an RF acknowledge or exhausting all attempts.
Start Delimiter
Byte 2: Payload Data Lenth (0x00 – 0x54)
Byte 3: Reserved. Set to 0x00
Byte 4: Number of Network Retries/Broadcast Attempts
Byte 5: Reserved. Set to 0x00
Byte 6-7: 16 bit Network Destination Address (Hi,Lo)
0x….: Unicast Address
0xFFFC: Broadcast to all Routers and Coordinators
0xFFFD: Broadcast to all with RXOnWhenIdel = True
0xFFFF: Broadcast to all Devices
Byte 8-n: Payload Data