Route Request (RREQ): A ZigBee command used to discover paths through the network over which messages may
be relayed.
Routing Table: A table in which the Coordinator or Router(s) store information required to participate in the routing of
data packets throughout the network. The entire route is not stored, only the first step in the route.
Star Network: A network employing a single, central device through which all communication between devices must
TX Cost: A counter of transmission successes/failures. TX Cost starts at 0x00, increments by one every time a packet
fails to be delivered, and decrements by one every time a packet is successfully delivered. TX Cost has a range
between 0x00 and 0x04.
Unicast: Unicast packets contain a destination address and are received by a single radio only. Unicast packets are
point-to-point and do not include Broadcast packets.
ZigBee Stack: A Network specification based on the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Wireless Personal Area Networks
(WPANs). The ZB2430 uses the Z-Stack (designed by TI) v.1.4.2 and complies to the ZigBee 2006 specification.
ZigBee Alliance: An association of companies working together to create a low-cost, low power consumption, two-
way wireless communications standard (http://www.zigbee.org).