Power down modes allow the ZB2430 to operate at minimum current consumption while not in use. The ZB2430
provides two such modes (End Devices only).
• Cyclic Sleep (Wake periodically based on software-controlled timer or pin interupt)
• Deep Sleep (Wake on pin interrupt)
In order for a module to transition into Sleep mode, the Sleep_Int
pin (pin 12) must be logic High or floating. If this pin
is pulled Low, the device will be forced out of Sleep mode and will not be allowed to Sleep until the pin returns to the
High state. While in Sleep mode, the module will not transmit/receive data until after waking up.
Cyclic Sleep
In Cyclic Sleep mode the End Device will wake periodically to request data from its Parent device. The rate at which
the module wakes up to check for data is adjustable in EEPROM (EEPROM address 0x34, 16-bits) in 1 ms increments
with a default setting of 1000ms. The device will wakeup for the period specified by the End Device Wake time
(EEPROM address 0x3B), send a data request to its Parent, and then return to sleep until the next cycle.
Note: Setting the sleep rate to 0x0000 forces the module into Deep Sleep mode (see below).
Deep Sleep
Deep sleep mode is a power-down mode in which the ZB2430 automatically transitions to Sleep mode after having
associated with the Network. While in Deep Sleep mode, the device will not wake up until interrupted by the Sleep_Int
pin. To wake the device out of Deep Sleep mode, Sleep_Int must be pulled logic Low. The device will return to Deep
Sleep mode after Sleep_Int is returned to the High state.
Table 7: Sleep Mode Settings
Sleep Mode Transition to Sleep Transition to Wake Current Draw (mA)
Cyclic Sleep Automatic transition to Sleep
mode after sending Data
Request to Parent Device or
is asserted High.
End Device wake time can
also be configured in the
Automatic transition to Wake mode
occurs after an EEPROM selectable
period or manual transition when
is pulled logic Low.
ZB2430: 0.5 uA
ZB2430-100: 7.6 uA
Deep Sleep Automatic transition to Sleep
mode occurs after device has
successfully associated with
Manual transition to Wake mode occurs
after Sleep_Int
is pulled logic Low.
ZB2430: 0.5 uA
ZB2430-100: 7.6 uA