Figure 2: Parent/Child Relationship
The ZigBee network structure and ultimate size are specified by Stack profiles. The Stack profiles define the
maximum number of Layers, maximum number of Children per Parent, & maximum number of Routers that can be
Children. These parameters are set during code compilation and cannot be altered after compilation. The ZB2430
uses the restricitions specified by the Home Lighting & Controls profile.
The ZigBee Coordinator determines the maximum number of children any device within its network is allowed. Of
these children, a maximum number can be router-capable devices; while the remainder shall be reserved for end
devices. Each device has an associated depth which indicates the minimum number of hops a transmitted packet
must travel to reach the ZigBee Coordinator (see Figure 3: "Network Depth" on page 15).
Maximum Network Depth
The Coordinator has a depth of zero and its Children have a depth of 1. Maximum Network Depth specifies the
maximum number of hops (Routers) that a node can be away from the Coordinator. The Home Lighting & Controls
profile limits the maximum network depth to 5.