Baud Rate 0x42 1 0x00 - 0x08, 0xE3 0x06 0x00: 1200
0x01: 2400
0x02: 4800
0x03: 9600
0x04: 19200
0x05: 31250
0x06: 38400
0x07: 57600
0x08: 115200
0xE3: Enable Custom Baud rate
Note: If any value ofther than 0x00-0x08 or 0xE3
is used, the radio will default to 9600 baud.
Baud_M 0x43 1 0x00 - 0xFF 0xFF Used to calculate baud rate when Custom
Baud Rate is enabled.
Baud_E 0x44 1 0x00-0xFF 0xFF Used to calculate baud rate when Custom
Baud Rate is enabled.
Control 0 0x45 1 0x01 - 0xFF 0x38 Settings are:
bit-7: Reserved
bit-6: Reserved
bit-5: Modify Wake
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit-4: Reload Sleep
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit-3: NV Restore
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit-2: End-to-End Acknowledgement
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit-1: Reserved
bit-0: Reserved
MAC Retries 0x4B 1 0x00 - 0x07 0x03 Specifies the number of retries to use at the
MAC level. A setting of 0x03 actually sends the
packet up to 4 times. MAC retries can be set to
0x00, but since they occur faster than the trans-
mit retries, the default setting is typically recom-
Network Retries 0x4C 1 0x01 - 0x07 0x02 Specifies the maximum number of network
retries. When MAC retries is not set to 0x00, the
actual amount of transmit attempts is equal to
MAC retries x Network Retries. Network Retries
occur at a slower rate than MAC retries. Net-
work retries are retries that occur between two
connected nodes.
Broadcast Attempts 0x4D 1 0x00 - 0x05 0x04 Specified the maximum number of times to
broadcast a packet. Attempts occur at 500ms
intervals. There is a limit of 9 broadcast mes-
sages every 10 seconds.
End-to-End Retries 0x4E 1 0x00 - 0xFF 0x04 Specified the maximum number of times to
retry an end to end packet. End to End Retries
are only suitable for multihop packets..
Attempts occur at 6s intervals.
Table 9: EEPROM Parameters
Range Default Description