The Planning mode is disabled in GAUGE mode and in Error
mode (see Section 5.7. Error conditions). The planning mode
calculates no-decompression times for MIX1 only. If additional
mixes are enabled in the NITROX mode, they do not affect the
calculations in MEMplan mode.
Higher Altitude and conservative Personal Adjustment settings will shorten the no-
decompression time limits. These limits at different Altitude and Personal Adjustment
setting selections are explained in Section 5.10.4. Diving at altitude and in
Section 5.10.5. Personal adjustments
Dive numbering shown during dive planning
Dives belong to the same repetitive dive series if the instrument was still counting
down the no-fly time at the beginning of the dive.
The surfaceinterval must be at least 5minutes for a dive to beconsidered a repetitive
dive. Otherwise, it is considered a continuation of the same dive. The dive number
will not changeand thedive timewill continuewhere itleft off. (See also Section7.1.2.
Dive numbering ).
Dive logbook (MEMlog)
The Suunto D9 has a very sophisticated, high capacity Logbook and Profile Memory.
The data is recorded in the profile memory based on the selected sample rate. Dives
shorter than the recording interval are not registered (see Section 5.9.5. Setting the
sample rate).