Suunto D9 Watch User Manual

Timespent at a decompressionstop, or range, beforesurfacing, to allow
absorbed nitrogen toescape naturallyfrom tissues
Decompression range
On a decompression stop dive, the depth range between the floor and
the ceiling withinwhich adiver muststop for sometime duringascent.
Decompression illness
Any of a variety of maladies resulting either directly or indirectly from the
formation of nitrogen bubbles in tissues or body fluids, as a result of
inadequately controlled decompression. Commonly called "the bends"
or "DCI".
Dive series
A group of repetitive dives between which the dive computer indicates
some nitrogen loading is present. When nitrogen loading reaches zero
the dive computerdeactivates.
Dive time
Elapsed time between leaving the surface to descend, and returning to
the surface atthe endof adive.
Delta P, describing the Cylinder Pressure drop during the dive; the
differencein cylinder pressure between the beginning and endof a dive.
Abbreviation for equivalentair depth.
Abbreviation for enrichedair nitrox.
Enriched air nitrox
Also called nitrox or Enriched Air = EANx. Air that has some oxygen
added. Standard mixes are EAN32 (NOAA Nitrox I = NN I) and EAN36
(NOAA Nitrox II= NNII).
Equivalent air depth
Nitrogen partial pressureequivalent table.
The deepest depth during a decompression stop dive at which
decompression takes place.