Firefighter Test Based on the Gerkin Protocol, this test is a sub-maximal graded treadmill evaluation
used by many Fire Departments across the United States to assess the condition of
the firefighters. Heart rate results are compared with charted data for corresponding
age and gender and test results include calculated VO2 max.
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Army Test This is a workout of a preset 2 mile distance, as required by the US Army, the object of
the test is to complete the run distance as quickly as possible. At the completion of the
test, a time-based score defined by the Army is returned to the user. The test begins
with treadmill incline at 1% (which best simulates outdoor running). User may change
speed and incline during test.
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This is a workout of a preset 1.5 mile distance, as required by the US Navy, the object of the
test is to complete the run distance as quickly as possible. At the completion of the test, a time-
based score defined by the Navy is returned to the user. The test begins with treadmill incline at
1% (which best simulates outdoor running). User may change speed during test.
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This is a workout of a preset 1.5 mile distance, as required by the US Air Force, the object of the
test is to complete the run distance as quickly as possible. At the completion of the test, a time-
based score defined by the Air Force is returned to the user. The test begins with treadmill in-
cline at 1% (which best simulates outdoor running). User may change speed and incline during
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Marines Test
This is a workout of a preset 3 mile distance, as required by the US Marine Corps, the object of
the test is to complete the run distance as quickly as possible. At the completion of the test, a
time-based score defined by the USMC is returned to the user. The test begins with treadmill
incline at 1% (which best simulates outdoor running). User may change speed and incline dur-
ing test.
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Custom Time
This will allow the user to create a time based customized program with predefined workout
parameters (goal time, age, gender, individual segment speeds and inclines/levels).
Custom Distance
This will allow the user to create a distance based customized program with predefined workout
parameters (goal distance, age, gender, individual segment speeds and inclines/levels).
Evaluate Fitness
Fitness Test program shall perform a single-stage, six-minute, sub-maximal fitness protocol and
calculate the results using the Astrand-Ryhming nomogram. The Fitness Test requires 5-6 min-
utes to complete. During the Test, the user will have to adjust their work load to bring their heart
rate between 120-170 BPM. The user’s heart rate results are compared with charted data for
the user’s corresponding age and gender
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Auto Pilot
This is a program that allows the user to quickly jump into a workout without having to perform
any program setup and offers a button-less control of resistance. The resistance is controlled
by changing the cadence (i.e. RPM). So, as the user pedals faster the resistance increases,
and as they pedal slower the resistance decreases.
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25K Time Trail Program shall perform a distance based operation of the machine using pre-defined distance
goal of 25 kilometers.
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Constant Watts The Constant Watts Control program shall automatically control the resistance level and direct
the user to pedal at a desired RPM, to maintain a constant wattage level.
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Interval Watts
This program is designed to maintain your watts expenditure at a constant level by
controlling pedaling resistance and prompting you to pedal at a specified RPM. Please
note that your watts level may vary above and below your target watts level during this
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