Precor C932 Treadmill User Manual

page 48
If you plan to align the running belt, check its operation by following the procedure
Checking the Alignment of the Running Belt
on page 19. If you determine that
the belt needs alignment, follow the instructions here.
CAUTION: Special care must be taken when aligning the running belt. Turn
OFF the treadmill while adjusting or working near the rear roller. Remove
any loose clothing and tie back your hair. Be very careful to keep your
finger or any other object clear of the belt and rollers, especially in front of
the roller and behind the deck. The treadmill will not stop immediately if an
object becomes caught in the belt or rollers.
Realigning the belt takes a few simple adjustments. If you are unsure about this
procedure, call Precor Customer Support (see
Obtaining Service
on page 7.)
Take the following steps to align the running belt on the treadmill. To ensure your
safety, make all adjustments while the treadmill is OFF.
1. Make sure the treadmill is OFF and the running belt has completely stopped.
2. Locate the left belt adjustment bolt in the rear end cap of the treadmill. (To
determine left and right, stand at the rear of the treadmill and face the display.)
The direction you turn the bolt depends on how the belt is tracking. Make all belt
adjustments on the
left rear corner bolt
using the hex key provided.
If the belt is off center to the LEFT, turn the adjusting bolt 1/4 turn clock-
wise, which moves the running belt to the right.
If the belt tracks off center to the RIGHT, turn the bolt 1/4 turn
; this moves the belt to the left.
Important: Do not turn the adjusting bolt more than 1/4 turn at a time. Over-
tightening the bolt can damage the treadmill.
3. Turn ON the treadmill, press QuickStart, and then increase the running
belt speed to 3 mph (5 kph) by pressing Speed .
CAUTION: Stand to the side of the treadmill. The running belt begins
moving automatically after you press QUICKSTART.
4. Observe the running belt for a couple of minutes. The belt should be centered
on the running bed. A few inches from either side of the side rail platform.
CAUTION: If you hear any chafing or the running belt appears to be
getting damaged, stop the running belt immediately by pressing the
red Stop key. Contact Precor Customer Support.
5. If the belt needs additional alignment, repeat steps 1 through 4 of this proce-
dure until the belt is properly aligned.
6. After aligning the belt, press the Stop button and Reset. Turn OFF the tread-
mill. Tighten any loose fasteners or other components on the equipment. If you
hear unusual noises or you feel that the treadmill is in need of repair or service,
contact Precor Customer Support. Refer to
Obtaining Service
on page 7.