Precor C932 Treadmill User Manual

page 43
In the Weight Loss course, the workout time is fixed at 28 minutes. You are not prompted
(during Setup mode) for a workout time after selecting this course. The course consists of
seven, four-minute intervals. You can change the incline or speed (using the appropriate or
key) any time during the four-minute rest or four-minute work interval. When you change the
incline level or speed, the software remembers and repeats the settings for the remaining
intervals. When you complete the course, the automatic cool-down period begins.
For the ideal “weight loss” range, your heart rate should be between 55% and 70% of your
maximum aerobic heart rate. To view the heart rate and SmartRate
features, you must wear
chest strap. Set the incline level and speed so that your heart rate is maintained
at 55% during the rest interval and 70% of your maximum aerobic heart rate during the work
intervals. The weight loss range correlates to the yellow LED’s on the SmartRate
Every time a Random course is selected, a different course profile appears. The segments that
appear in the course profile maintain a set incline that you can override using the INCLINE ▼▲
keys. The incline is preset to zero for the first segment. The maximum incline change allowed
between segments is plus or minus 4 percent. If the club lets you set the workout time at
NOLIM (no limit), you need to press the red Stop button when you have completed your
workout. You will need to access Manual mode to cool down.
This course lets you set a target for your heart rate. The treadmill adjusts the incline to maintain
your target heart rate while you work out. Similar to the Weight Loss course, you must wear a
POLAR chest strap. For more information, refer to
Heart Rate Course
on page 46.
Course duration: TIME preset
Course duration: TIME set by user
HEART RATE COURSE (HRC)* Course duration: TIME set by user