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Analyzing OwnIndex Results with Polar ProTrainer 5 Software
Downloading test results to the Polar ProTrainer 5 software offers you the possibility of analyzing
results in various ways, as well as accessing more detailed information about your progress. The
software also allows you to make graphical comparisons with previous results. The Polar Fitness Test
results are downloaded automatically to the software when you download exercise data using the
Transfer data option.
Polar OwnOptimizer™
Successful training requires temporary overloading: longer exercise duration, higher intensity, or higher
total volume. In order to avoid severe overtraining, overloading must always be followed by an adequate
recovery period. With an inadequate recovery period, you may experience a decrease in performance as
a result of high training volumes, instead of improvement. Polar OwnOptimizer is an easy and reliable
way to determine whether your training program is optimally developing your performance. Polar
OwnOptimizer is developed for use by healthy adults.
Polar OwnOptimizer is a modification of a traditional orthostatic overtraining test. It is a perfect tool,
embedded in the cycling computer, for everyone training regularly, at least three times a week, for
fitness improvement or to reach competitive targets. This feature is based on heart rate and heart rate
variability measurements taken during an orthostatic test (standing up from relaxed resting).
OwnOptimizer helps you to optimize your training load during a training program so that you
experience an increase in performance and do not undertrain or overtrain in the long run. Polar
OwnOptimizer is based on regular long-term measurements of five heart rate parameters. Two of these
five values are calculated at rest, one while standing up, and two while standing. Each time you
perform the test, the cycling computer saves the heart rate values and compares them to the previous
values registered.
Before the Test
Baseline Tests
When you use OwnOptimizer for the first time, six baseline tests should be conducted over a period of
two weeks to determine your personal baseline value. These baseline measurements should be taken
during two typical basic training weeks, not during heavy training weeks. The baseline measurements
should include tests taken after a training day and after recovery days.
Monitoring OwnOptimizer Values
After the baseline recordings, you should continue to perform the test 2-3 times a week. Test yourself
weekly in the morning following both a recovery day and a heavy training day (or a series of heavy
training days). An optional third test can be performed after a normal training day. OwnOptimizer may
not provide reliable information during detraining or in a very irregular training period. If you take a
break from exercise for 14 days or longer, the baseline tests should be performed again.
Performing the Test
The test should always be taken in standardized/similar conditions in order to get the most reliable
results. It is recommended that you take the test in the morning before breakfast. The following basic
requirements apply:
• Wear the transmitter. For further information, see Wear the Transmitter.
• You should be relaxed and calm.
• You can be seated in a relaxed position or lying in bed. The position should always be the same
when you do the test.
• The test can take place anywhere – at home, in the office, at a health club – as long as the test
environment is peaceful. There should be no disturbing noises (for example, television, radio or
telephone) or other people talking to you.
Polar CS600 User Manual 40