7. Review – Set to “Off”.
8. File numbering – Set to “Continuous”.
9. Video system – Set to “NTSC”.
10. Custom Function (C.Fn) –
a. Press the center button. On the Canon D30,
scroll down to number 5 and press the button
again. Set to “Off” and press the button a third
time. Press the “Menu” button twice and the
display will turn off.
b. Night time exposure. On the Canon D60, scroll
to number 5 and press the button again. Set to 1.
It will not emit/Fire. Press the button a third time,
press the “Menu” button twice, and the display will
turn off.
11. To increase the ISO setting on the D60, with the camera
in “M” manual mode, press and hold the “*” button on
the upper right back part of the camera and turn the
thumb wheel located just behind the shutter button until
the bar is under the 2+. The ISO is now increased from
1000 to 4000.
Looking through the viewfinder, exposure information will be
displayed on the bottom. The left number is the shutter speed. To
the right of the shutter speed is the aperture. The three dots can be
disregarded. “-1 2 T 1 2+” is the exposure guide.
1. There is a wheel just behind the shutter release button.
Turn the wheel until the shutter speed displayed in the
viewfinder reads “30.”
2. On the back of the camera above the large thumb wheel
is another On/Off switch. Turn it to “On.” The large
thumb wheel will now change the aperture. Looking
through the viewfinder, adjust the wheel until the 2.8 or
the lowest number appears next to the shutter speed.
3. To the far right of that display is a “-1 2 T 1 2+.”
The best exposure is when the moving line is directly
under the “T.” To the left of the center arrow will
produce a dark image and to the right will produce a
bright image.
4. If there is too much light, use the wheel on the top of the
camera to increase the shutter speed (60, 90, 125, 180…)
Shutter Speed Note: Never use a shutter speed slower than
1/30 sec. or the image will become blurred. Use on Canon XL Camcorders
1. Secure the BBA side of the 9350XL to the Camcorder.
2. Secure the Lens to the FLA side of the 9350XL.
3. Turn the Camcorder on to the “M”, Manual mode.
4. Turn the Neutral Density filter on the lens “Off”.
5. Set the white balance in the “auto” position.
6. Adjust the aperture (iris) to f/1.6. As you zoom, the
aperture will move to f/2.6. You will have to readjust
the iris when you zoom out.
7. Adjust the shutter speed * to either 1/30 or 1/60 second.