LifeCore Fitness 1000Z Home Gym User Manual

Program Profiles
The computer will automatically adjust the resistance levels according to the PROGRAM
PROFILE you select. During your workout you can adjust the resistance levels by pressing the
UP & DOWN Keys.
There are 12 x PROGRAM PROFILES to choose from as shown in the diagrams below:
1) From the Main Menu, use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select the PROGRAM
PROFILES. Confirm your selection by pressing the ENTER Key.
2) Use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll through the 12 x PROGRAM PROFILES. After two
seconds the computer will automatically display the Program Profile. Press the ENTER Key
to confirm your selection.
NBTo immediately start your workout press the START Key.
3) To select target values press the ENTER Key. Use the UP & DOWN Keys to select your
target values. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your selections. Then press the START Key
to begin your workout.
User Profile Program
The computer will automatically adjust the resistance levels according to the USERS PROFILE
PROGRAM you design. During your workout you can adjust the resistance levels by pressing the
UP & DOWN Keys.
1) From the Main Menu, use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select the USER PROGRAM.
Confirm your selection by pressing the ENTER Key.
2) There are 20 columns, each with a choice of 16 resistance levels. Use the UP & DOWN Keys
to select your resistance level. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your selection.
NBTo immediately start your workout press the START Key.
3) To select target values press the ENTER Key. Use the UP & DOWN Keys to select your
target values. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your selections. Then press the START Key
to begin your workout.
55% 75% 90% Heart Rate Control Programs
The % H.R.C PROGRAMS are designed to keep your heart rate at the constant level you have
selected. Every 30 x seconds the computer will check your pulse (bpm) against what you have
selected and will automatically adjust the resistance levels accordingly.
NOTE: During your workout you cannot adjust the resistance levels.
To select a bpm that is optimal for you, see CALCULATING TARGET HEART RATE on the next page.
While increasing your heart rate is an important part of exercise, it is also important that your
heart rate not be too high. To be safe we suggest that you start your workouts at the 55% H.R.C
and increase your % H.R.C as your fitness improves.
NOTE: The recommended absolute Maximum Heart Rate is equal to 220 bpm - your age.
1) From the Main Menu, use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select the H.R.C. PROGRAM.
Confirm your selection by pressing the ENTER Key.
2) Use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and impute your age and the computer will automatically
calculate your bpm for 55% 75% 90%. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your selection.
3) Use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select one of the 3 x % H.R.C PROGRAMS. Press
the ENTER Key to confirm your selection.
NBTo immediately start your workout press the START Key.
4) To select target values use the UP & DOWN Keys. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your
selections. Then press the START Key to begin your workout.
Target Heart Rate Control Program
The TARGET H.R.C PROGRAM is designed to keep your heart rate at the constant level you
have selected. Every 30 x seconds the computer will check your pulse (bpm) against what you
have selected and will automatically adjust the resistance levels accordingly.
NOTE: During your workout you cannot adjust the resistance levels.
To select a bpm that is optimal for you, see CALCULATING TARGET HEART RATE on the next page.
While increasing your heart rate is an important part of exercise, it is also important that your
heart rate not be too high. To be safe we suggest that you start your workouts at the 55% H.R.C
and increase your Target Heart Rate as your fitness improves.
NOTE: The recommended absolute Maximum Heart Rate is equal to 220 bpm - your age.
1) From the Main Menu, use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select the H.R.C. PROGRAM.
Confirm your selection by pressing the ENTER Key.
2) Your age impute is not relevant so skip this section by pressing the ENTER Key.
3) Use the UP & DOWN Keys to scroll and select the TARGET H.R.C PROGRAM. Press the
ENTER Key to confirm your selection.
4) Use the UP & DOWN Keys to impute your desired Pulse (bpm). Press the ENTER Key to
confirm your selection.
NBTo immediately start your workout press the START Key.
5) To select target values use the UP & DOWN Keys. Press the ENTER Key to confirm your
selections. Then press the START Key to begin your workout.