Bowflex Motivator 2 Home Gym User Manual

Shoulder Exercises
Lying Front Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Flexion (elbows stabilized)
• Sit on the bench facing Power Rod®
• Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing
down, arms straight.
• Lie back slowly, supporting your
head on the bench.
• Keep your chest lifted, maintaining a
slight arch in your lower back.
• Keeping your arms straight, move
them in an arc upwards until they
are directly over your shoulders.
• You may perform this move with
both arms simultaneously or one at
a time.
• With controlled movement, slowly
return to the Start position.
Reverse Fly — Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (elbows stabilized in slight flexion)
• Sit on the Bench facing the Power
Rod® unit.
• Grasp the Hand Grips , palms facing
floor, arms nearly straight.
• Sit up straight and bend slightly
forward from the hips until arms/
cables are in front of body at a 90˚
angle from torso.
• Maintaining the bend in your arms,
move your arms outward and
• When your elbows are slightly
behind your shoulders, slowly return
to the Start position, keeping your
rear shoulder muscles tightened
throughout movement.
Muscles worked:
Front and Middle Deltoids
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Keep knees bent and feet flat on floor.
• Keep abdominals tight and maintain good
spinal alignment.
• Do not increase the arch in your lower back
while you are lifting your arms.
Muscles worked:
Rear Deltoids; Middle Deltoids;
Trapezius; Rhomboids
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Do not lose spinal alignment—keep your
chest lifted.
• Keep knees bent and feet flat on floor.
• Keep your spine aligned and a slight arch in
your lower back.
• Maintain a 90° angle between upper arms
and torso throughout exercise.
Shoulder Exercises