A Personal Guarantee From Dr. Ellington Darden
Dear Bowflex® Enthusiast,
I’m excited, really excited! I’m elated because I’ve developed an exercising and eating program that produces fat loss faster than
any plan I’ve ever tested.
The men involved in my research, for example, had an average fat loss of 27.95 pounds (12.68 kg) per man. Women on the same
program averaged a reduction of 16.96 pounds (7.69 kg). Best of all, these dramatic results were achieved—not in six months—
but in only six weeks!
That’s right. Similar results can be accomplished by you in six short weeks, which include just 18 workouts (3 per week) on the
Bowflex® machine.
Bowflex® home gym was a significant part of the results. The exercises performed on it allowed the participants to build
muscle, which accelerated their metabolisms, and produced faster and greater fat losses.
The plan worked so well that it became know as The Bowflex® Body Leanness Program.
Leanness means to strip away the fat from under the skin as well as at deeper levels. Leanness also implies a pleasing shape
and tone to the skeletal muscles.
You might say leanness is the opposite of fatness because the people involved in my research certainly got rid of their excessive
fatness in record time.
All the guidelines that were applied have been organized in the booklet you are now holding in your hands. It’s the next best
thing to actually going through one of my research projects. In fact, it’s probably better since nothing is experimental. All of the
fine points have been tried, tested and proven effective.
If you are overfat, and if you are interested in doing this program, there are several things that you need to understand about my
experience. Since 1965, I’ve trained more than 10,000 overfat individuals. After many years of pushing, coaxing, and listening to
these trainees, certain traits became evident to me:
• People are not lazy by choice. They are forced into it by the confusion that surrounds the abundance of fitness information that
is available. If these individuals are given simple decisive instructions, they will train very intensely.
• People, if they are provided with specific menus, will drastically alter their eating habits.
• Most of these people, however, will do neither of these challenging things for more than a week—unless they quickly see and
feel changes in their body.
The Bowflex® Body Leanness Program emerged from these findings. For you to get the best-possible results, you must be willing
to exercise very intensely on the Bowflex® machine and adhere to a strict eating plan.
In return, you’ll get simple exercise instructions, specific menus to use, and my guarantee that if you follow the program exactly
as directed, you’ll observe the pounds and inches disappear on almost a weekly basis.
Now it’s your turn to get excited, and get started!
Dr. Ellington Darden
The Bowflex
Body Leanness Program