Power-Up Messages
"MEMORY LOST" is displayed when the instrument determines that the data in
the (battery backed up) RAM has been corrupted, if the internal lithium battery
on the P.C.B. is bad, or if a new EPROM has been installed.
Operational Messages
"INVALID READING" is displayed when the unit is not held down long
enough during a measurement.
"NEED CALIBRATION" is displayed if the calibration procedure is not
performed for 24 hours, or if there is a 10°C change in temperature since
the last calibration.
"READING COMPLETE" measurement has been taken and the instrument
can be released.
"REFERENCE - NOT CHANGED" is displayed after leaving the Reference
Select function, when no change was made.
"REFERENCE UPDATED" is displayed when exiting reference mode.
Calibration Messages
"CALIBRATION - FAILED" is displayed when making a calibration measurement
and something is wrong (invalid reading or data is out of range).
"CALIBRATION - NOT CHANGED" is displayed when the user decides to
terminate the calibration procedure by pressing
"CALIBRATION - UPDATED" is displayed after the calibration procedure has
been successfully completed.
"CAL ERROR ### - MOTION DETECTED" calibration requires that the
instrument remain motionless during the five measurements of the white
spot. If the error persists and is not due to movement, the number that is
displayed should be reported to X-Rite or an authorized service center.
"CAL ERROR ### - CELL CHANGE" make sure that calibration plaque is
clean and instrument is positioned exactly on the white spot. If the error
persists, the number that is displayed should be reported to X-Rite or an
authorized service center.