3.3 Pass/Fail and 555 Shade Tag Measurements
The 978 will display three QC measurement functions: pass/fail, 555
shade tag, and pass/fail & 555 shade tag. Once a measurement is taken, it
can be viewed under any of the three measurement functions.
There are three methods that can be used to express the measured
differences. The first method is by showing the differences numerically.
The second method is by expressing the difference using words (see
below). XYZ, Wht, and Yel will not display differences in words. The
third method is Deltas turned "Off." This will cause only a Pass/Fail or 555
indication to display. Delta selection for "numbers", "words", or "off" is
selected in Operation Options, Section 7.1.
When delta words are used, the "L*" attribute for L*a*b* or L*C*H*
will display either "LIGHTER" or "DARKER" from the reference. The "a*"
and "b*" attributes for L*a*b* and the "H*" (hue) attribute for L*C*H*
will display as ">>RED", ">>GRN", >>BLU", or ">>YEL." This is an
indication of what color direction the attribute is towards. For L*C*H*,
the "C*" (chroma) attribute will display as "BRIGHTER" or "DULLER."
No words will display for an attribute that is less than ‘‘1/7th’’ of the Delta E value. A value less than
this amount is considered insignificant compared to the total difference.
If the delta value for any attribute is greater than 10.00, the display will change to numeric values.
Pass/Fail Only Function
The pass/fail function will indicate a pass or fail on the selected setup ,
and display the difference between the reference & sample.
Pass/Fail Display Examples
E .11
L*C*H* S:1
L*C*H* S:1 L* +.03
C* -.08
H* -.07
E .11 L* +.03
C* -.08 H* -.07
∆L*C*H* Delta Numbers
∆L*C*H* Delta Words