The system configuration allows you to customize the instrument to
meet your application requirements. The configuration should be set before
any measurements are taken.
Subjects covered in Section 7 are:
* 7.1 Setting Operation Options
* 7.2 Setting I/O Options
* 7.3 Setting Printout Format Options
7.1 Setting Operation Options
There are three options that can be configured to meet your
requirements. Below is a description of each feature followed by the
selection procedure.
Deltas - When set to "Numbers", any ∆L*a*b*, ∆L*C*H*, or ∆E
difference measurement will display deltas numerically. When set to
"Words", any ∆L*a*b*, ∆L*C*H*, ∆E
difference measurement will
display deltas as words (e.g., "brighter", "duller", ">>red", etc.). The
"Off" setting will only display ∆E or Shade Tag number.
Lock Setups - The lock option allows all setup #’s (except setup #1) to
be locked. This will avoid any inadvertent or unauthorized changes from
occurring. When the setups are locked, the options can still be viewed
but no changes can occur. A lock icon will display closed when the setup
options are not changeable.
Auto Setup - when "auto setup" is enabled, the 978 will automatically
select the closest setup match when a sample is measured. The closest
match is based on the "setup" reference and D
illum/obs. Because
illum/obs selection can vary between setups, a single illum/obs is used
for "auto setup" operation. Once the closest match is found, the
individual parameters (tolerance, illum/obs, etc.) of a setup will be