Administration Guide 77
LDAP Authorization
The LDAP Server port defaults to 389. If you are using an indexed database, such as Microsoft Active
Directory with a Global Catalog, changing the LDAP Server port to 3268 significantly increases the
speed of the LDAP queries.
If your directory is not indexed, use an administrative connection rather than an anonymous
connection from the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway to the database. Download performance improves
when you use an administrative connection.
7In Administrator Bind DN, type the Administrator Bind DN for queries to your LDAP directory.
The following are examples of syntax for Bind DN:
“domain/user name”
“user@domain.name” (for Active Directory)
For Active Directory, the group name specified as cn=groupname is required. The group name that
is defined in the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway must be identical to the group name that is defined on
the LDAP server.
For other LDAP directories, the group name either is not required or, if required, is specified as
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway binds to the LDAP server using the administrator credentials and then
searches for the user. After locating the user, the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway unbinds the
administrator credentials and rebinds with the user credentials.
8In Administrator Password, type the password.
9In Base DN (where users are located), type the Base DN under which users are located.
Base DN is usually derived from the Bind DN by removing the user name and specifying the group
where users are located. Examples of syntax for Base DN:
10 In Server login name attribute type the attribute under which the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
should look for user logon names for the LDAP server that you are configuring. The default is
sAMAccountName. If you are using other directories, use cn.
11 Click Submit.
After configuring LDAP authentication, configure LDAP authorization.
To configure LDAP authorization
1Click the Authorization tab.
2In LDAP Server IP Address, type the IP address of the LDAP server.
3In LDAP Server Port, type the port number. The default port number is 389.
4In LDAP Administrator Bind DN, type the Administrator Bind DN for queries to your LDAP
The following are examples of syntax for Bind DN:
domain/user name
“user@domain.name” (for Active Directory)