144 Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
By default, the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway passes only the user name and password to the Web Interface.
To correct this, configure a default domain or a set of domains users can log on to. The Web Interface
uses the first one in the list as the default domain.
Web Interface Credentials Are Invalid
When users log on to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, they are sent to the Web Interface but their applica-
tions are not displayed. The Message Center states that the users’ credentials are invalid.
The most likely cause of this error message is that the users logged onto the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
with non-LDAP credentials from a different domain than the Web Interface is set up to accept. To resolve
this issue, make sure that the default domain on the server running the Web Interface is the same as the
default realm in the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
Users could also log on using a realm in the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway but the realm name does not cor-
respond to a domain name that is supported by the Web Interface. To allow users to log on with a realm
name, type the realm name after the domain in Active Directory. When users log on to the Firebox SSL
VPN Gateway, the realm name and user name are passed to the Web Interface. The Web Interface con-
verts the realm name and user name to the domain name and user name.
Other Issues
This section describes known issues and solutions for the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
License File Does not Match Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
If you are trying to install a license file on the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, you might receive the error mes-
sage “License file does not match any Firebox SSL VPN Gateway’s.” A license file is already installed on
the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway. To upload a new license file, the old license needs to be removed.
To install a new license file on the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
1 Open the Administration Tool.
2On the VPN Gateway Cluster tab, select the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway to which you want to add
the license.
3On the Licensing tab, next to Clear all licensing, click Remove All.
4 Restart the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
5On the Licensing tab, next to Upload a license file, click Browse and navigate to the license file.
6Click Open to install the file.
7 Restart the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
Read/Write Access to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
If a user is using a signed Java applet, it is possible to read and write files to the Firebox SSL VPN Gate-
way’s local disk in a restricted area. This can be prevented by doing one of the following:
• Disabling connections from a public computer
• Allowing connections from a public computer but disabling Firefox
• Allowing connections from a public computer with Firefox but configuring the correct Access
Control policies that prevent Firefox from accessing any Web site that contains a signed Java