Viewing System Statistics
140 Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
To obtain SNMP data for the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway through Multi Router Traffic
Grapher (in UNIX)
1 Configure the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway to respond to SNMP queries as discussed in “To enable
logging of SNMP messages” on page 139.
2 Create Multi Router Traffic Grapher configuration files in /etc/mrtg.
Each configuration file specifies the object identifiers that the grapher daemon is to monitor, specifies the target
from which to obtain SNMP data, and defines the grapher output.
The Multi Router Traffic Grapher configuration file
3 Modify /etc/crontab to perform an SNMP query every five minutes, resulting in graphed data. The
various .cfg files listed generate a separate output.
4 View the output in a Web browser.
The grapher stores HTML output in the Workdir specified in the configuration file. The output filename that
corresponds to the configuration file in Step 2 is vpn.myorg.com.tcpcurrestab.html.
Viewing System Statistics
To obtain general system statistics, select the VPN Gateway Cluster tab and then click the Statistics
The statistical information provides an overview of the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway and includes:
• Length of time the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway has been running.
•Memory usage.
• Maximum and used connections. Maximum connections represent the number of licenses that
are available for use with the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
• Logon information for both the full client and kiosk clients.
Monitoring Firebox SSL VPN Gateway Operations
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway includes a variety of standard Linux monitoring applications so that you
can conveniently access the applications from one location. With the exception of the Real-time Moni-
tor, written by Firebox SSL, the applications are included in the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway under the GNU
public license.
The monitoring applications are located in the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway Administration Desktop. The
icons across the bottom left of the screen provide single-click access to the six monitoring tools. In the