Administration Guide 37
Managing Licenses
Do not overwrite any .lic files in the license directory. If another file in that directory has the same name,
rename the newly received file. The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway software calculates your licensed features
based on all .lic files that are uploaded to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway.
Do not edit a .lic file or the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway software ignores any features associated with that
license file. The contents of the file are encrypted and must remain intact. Should you copy, rename, or
insert a license file multiple times, the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway uses only the original file and ignores
any duplicate files.
To install a license file
1Click the VPN Gateway Cluster tab and then click the Licensing tab.
2Next to Upload a license file, click Browse and locate the .lic file that you want to upload.
3 Select the .lic file and then click Open to upload the license file.
4 If more than one Firebox SSL VPN Gateway is installed on the same network, on the Publish tab,
click Publish to all gateways.
To remove the licenses, next to Clear all licensing, click Remove All.
Information about Your Licenses
The Licensing tab displays information about the licenses that are installed on the Firebox SSL VPN
Gateway. This information includes:
• Total number of licenses available
• Number of licenses currently in use
In addition, you can download license logs that provide you with detailed information about license
use. When the logs are downloaded, they are in a compressed file called license_logs.zip.
To download license logs
1On the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway Cluster tab, click the Licensing tab.
2Under Information about this Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, next to Download licensing logs, click
Download All.
3 Select the location to download the files and then click Save.
When you make changes to licensing on the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, you can refresh the informa-
tion that is displayed on the Licensing tab.
Testing Your License Installation
To test that licensing is configured correctly, create a test user and then log on using the Secure Access
Client and credentials that you set up for the user.
To test your configuration
1 Open the Administration Tool.
2Click the Access Policy Manager tab.
3 Right-click the Local Users folder in the left pane and click New User.
4In the New User dialog box, in User Name, type a user name, and in Password and Verify
Password, type the same password in each field, and click OK.