
Programming Your Scanner
[MENU] Program System F
Sele ct a t run ked syst em F
Edit Site F
Select a site F
Set Hold Time F
This se t ting cont rols how ma ny seconds t he sca nn er looks at a site before moving
to t he next u nlocked site or system. Using th e n umbe r keyp ad, e nte r a value f rom
[0] to [2][5][5], then press F to sa ve the settin g.
If the sc anner cannot detect a control channel on an EDAC S or Motor ol a
system, it immediate ly mo ves to t he ne xt site or syst em. The scanner always
scans LTR or SCAT systems for at le ast 1 second t o ch eck for curren t a ct ivit y.
I f you select 0 a nd the co nt rol channel is re ceived, the scann er stays on t he
system fo r a minimal time (only long enough t o ch eck current syst em activity).
The defau lt set t ing is 2 seconds f or ea ch syst em.
The scanner moves to t he n ext system a f ter the h old t ime e xpire s, any curre nt
tr ansmission ends, and the channel del ay ti me expi res .
In or de r for th e sca nn er to scan M oto rola V HF an d U HF sites, you must ente r
parameters that allow the scanner to determine the frequencies i n use by the
system. Th is inf ormation is normally available at the same sou rce where the oth er
system info rmat ion is fou nd .
[MENU] Program System F
Sele ct a t run ked syst em F
Edit Site F
Select a site F
Edit Band Plan F
You ca n ente r up to 3 b an d p la ns. Se lect th e plan to en ter or ed it, then foll ow the
prompts to enter the Base Frequency, Channel Step, and Channel Offset for the
Setting Site Hold Time MESL
Editing the Band Plan M (VHF and UHF only)