Memory Storage Limits
* depend ing on th e number of TGI D in the syst em.
Search Lockout Limits
About This Manual
T he scr een di splays used in this manual are representations of what might appear
w hen you use your scanner. Since what you see depends on the frequencies and
u ser IDs for you r a rea an d th e settin gs yo u se lect , you might no t ice so me
differences between what is i n this manual and what appears on your scanner.
To get t he mos t from this manual, rev iew the c ont ents to bec ome familiar with the
basic functions available. If you are new to scanning or trunk tr acking, start with
the following short introduction to scanning and follow-up with the enclosed
repr i nted articl e on Pr ogr am ming prov ided w ith the c our tesy of Popular
Co mmu nications m agazi ne.
How the Scanner’s Controls Are Represented in This
To help navigate the scanner ’s menus, the steps shown in this manual show the
d isp la ys yo u see and the keys you press or co ntrol yo u o pe ra te to ge t a desired
result. We use a form of sh orth and symbo ls to save space.
T he following example shows you how to use the scanner’s menu to edit an
e xistin g syst em name. It shows you the key t o pre ss in b old a nd in brackets
[MENU] to sel ect a m en u opti on and th e opti on yo u s ee on th e LC D i n b ol d C ou ri er
Systems Sites Sites in A System
Channel Groups
in a System
Channels —
All Systems
500 1000 256 20 2500
Channels in a Conventional
Channels in a Trunked
Trunked Frequencies
Per Site*
1000 250 750-1000
Temporary L/O
Permanent L/O
Skipped Review
500 250 250 Search M ode
Close C all Mode
Menu Mode