[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a trunked syste m F
Edit Sys Option F
Clr All L/O IDs F
To quickly u nlock all IDs in t he syste m, an swe r “Y ” to “Confirm? Unlock All
Use this o pt io n t o en ter a nd ed it site inf ormat io n f or t he current syst em. S ee
“ Programming Sites” for instru cti on s fo r e ach site op tion . Note that you must
pr og ram at lea st on e sit e for ea ch trunke d system in orde r for you r scan ne r to sca n
the syst em.
Us e this op ti on to enter an d edi t c ha nnel gr oups and ch annel in for m ati o n. S ee
“Programmi ng Channel Gr oups” for instr uctions for each channel gr oup and
channel option. Note that y ou must program at least one channel group and one
ch annel for ea ch co nvent io na l system in your scanner. You d o not have to ente r
ch annel g ro up inf ormation for t runked systems, but d oing so ma kes it easier to
f ollow s pecific talk groups.
Occasionally you might wa nt t o copy an d rename a system to high light on e group
over another.
One syst em mig ht be called C ity - F i re an d t he same system Ci t y - PD with
adjustments to data wi thin.
This lets yo u q uickly locate the desired set o f d ata.
To copy a syst em inclu ding all sett ings, g ro up s, a nd channe ls:
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct t he existing syst em F
Copy System F
New Sys Name?
Enter your new nam e usi ng the Scroll Control and [4] an d [6] to mov e to th e rig ht
or to th e le ft one character of the displa y. Press F when finished.
Clearing All Locked Out ID’s MEL
Editing Sites MESL
Editing Channel Groups MECL
Copying Systems MECSL