Display Format
T he Menu scr een uses 4 li nes of text. The uppermost line is the heading for the
l evel with three choices below. For exampl e, the display to set the modulation
loo ks like:
Editing a Name
There a re many in stances whe n you will want to cust om name a new system, a
ne w site, a TGID an d more.
For example, to edit a system n ame:
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct t he system F
Edit Name F
To en ter a letter, turn the Scroll Control until the character you want appears. To
enter a decimal point, pr ess [.No]. To move the cu rsor to the left, press [4]. To
m ove the cu rsor to the right, press [6].
To cl ear a c harac ter, press [.No] twice. To cle ar a ll chara cters, pr ess [.No] 3 times.
To accept an entry, press [EYES] or F.
• If the nam e al r eady ex ists i n the sam e c ategory, the scanner s ounds a tone
a nd t he display sh ows Name Exists an d Accept? (Y/N). At tha t point you
select either [EYES] or [.No].
• In na mi n g a C ustom Se ar c h R an ge , you might leave th e name b l ank. If you do ,
the scanner a sks Set Default Name OK? (Y/N). Use e ither [EYES] or
[.No] t o make yo ur choice.