Performance Tests
CSA 803C Service Manual
ăStep 5:ăSet the rear panel PRINCIPAL POWER SWITCH to ON and then
set the CSA 803C's front panel ON/STANDBY switch to ON.
When the CSA 803C is first installed, the rear panel PRINCIPAL POWER
SWITCH should be set to and left in the ON position. From then on, use
the front panel ON/STANDBY switch to perform all subsequent power
ăStep 6:ăMonitor the following diagnostic run functions, and note the
range of possible results.
Each time the front panel ON/STANDBY switch is set to ON, the CSA 803C
performs Kernel diagnostics on its microprocessor subsystems, followed by
SelfĆTest diagnostics on most of its major circuits. Failures from either of
these two sets of diagnostics may cause the CSA 803C to enter the ExĆ
tended Diagnostics menu as described in this procedure.
When Kernel diagnostics begin, the Diagnostics in Progress and Comm
Test in Progress messages are displayed on the screen. If the CSA 803C is
being poweredĆon from a cold condition, then the diagnostics may be
completed before the CRT is warmed up and able to display these mesĆ
sages. Diagnostic routines are then performed in parallel on each of the
CSA 803C's microprocessor subsystems (Display, Executive, Time Base,
and Mainframe Acquisition). Following successful execution of their Kernel
diagnostics, Acquisition microprocessors attempt to communicate with the
Time Base microprocessor and the Time Base and Display microprocessors
attempt to communicate with the Executive microprocessor.
Successful completion of Kernel diagnostics is indicated by the start of
SelfĆTest diagnostics. A failure of Kernel diagnostics will be indicated by the
message, Dsy Kernel Failure,orComm Test in Progress displaying on the
screen (for Display kernel failures) and/or by a single highĆlow beep and
illuminated menu button indicators (for Executive kernel failures).
SelfĆTest Diagnostics
These begin by displaying SelfĆTest in Progress (when the Display microĆ
processor has successfully communicated with the Executive microprocesĆ
sor). Pattern changes on the display and the flashing of the display indicate
a test in progress. The SelfĆTest diagnostics are successfully completed
when the CSA 803C returns to normal operation. Any failures cause the CSA
803C to produce a double highĆlow beep, and then to display the Extended
Diagnostics menu on the screen. Faulty field replaceable units (FRUs) may
then be identified by touching the (?)Help label. If any errors occur, record
the error codes for the failed circuit block(s), and then refer the CSA 803C to
a qualified service person.