Diagnostic Troubleshooting
CSA 803C Service Manual
10 (hex error code 2
) for the Acquisition processor, from either internal
test points or LEDs. Refer to Tables 6Ć10, 6Ć15, and 6Ć16 for more informaĆ
tion and examples of these hex error codes.
The Display kernel diagnostics display an error message on the screen
giving the name of the test that failed. For example, the following message
indicates that the DMA 0 test failed:
Dsy Kernel Failure
If the error message does not appear on the screen, the error index code
can be obtained from the status LEDs and pins on the A15 Memory ManĆ
agement Unit board (see Figure 6Ć32).
Refer to the PowerĆOn Diagnostics procedure for information about SelfĆTest/
Extended Diagnostics.
Extended Diagnostics Menu Structure
The menu structure determines the format of the error index codes. The
Extended Diagnostics menus are in a fourĆlevel hierarchy with the Subsys
(that is, the Subsystem) menu at the highest level. This fourĆlevel SubsysĆ
tem, Block, Area, and Routine menu hierarchy generates the error index
codes. Each subsystem in the Subsystem menu can be selected and tested
if there are functional processor(s) and communication paths. Each subsysĆ
tem is broken into a number of parts, or circuit blocks, in the Block menu for
the selected subsystem. In a similar manner, each block is broken into a
number of circuit areas in the Area menu, the third level. The fourth and
lowest menu level is the Routine menu, which contains the smallest test unit
that can be selected and executed.
Extended Diagnostics Error Index Codes
The error index codes for the Extended Diagnostics are fiveĆdigit codes
whose first character indicates the subsystem tested. The last four digits are
hexadecimal (
) numbers that indicate the Block, Area, Routine, and
specific failure mode. For example, E2321 is decoded as follows:
E Subsystem Ċ Executive
2 Block name Ċ Front Panel
3 Area name Ċ Soft Keys
2 Routine name Ċ Column Open
1 Failure Identity Ċ specific failure mode