CSA 803C Service Manual
Operating Information
The CSA 803C Communications Signal Analyzer Service Manual is designed
for use by qualified service personnel. It contains information necessary to
check, troubleshoot, and maintain the CSA 803C Communications Signal
Troubleshooting is primarily based upon internal powerĆon diagnostics.
These diagnostics isolate problems to the field replaceable unit (FRU) level.
Defective FRUs not detected by diagnostics are isolated using other means.
Once the faulty FRU is identified, use the instructions provided in this manuĆ
al to remove and replace it. The removal and immediate replacement of the
faulty FRU allows a minimum of downtime for the user. The Parts List section
gives a complete list of the FRUs in this instrument.
FirstĆtime users are encouraged to read the CSA 803C Communications
Signal Analyzer User Manual. This will help you learn the basic functions of
the CSA 803C.
This section contains information about installing and removing a sampling
head, applying power, proper environmental conditions, and shipping the