Performance Tests
Performance Verification
This procedure shows the setups and lists the steps to check the Sweep
Rate Accuracy.
Setup to Examine Sweep Rate Accuracy
CSA 803C
50 W
Coaxial Cables
Power Divider
50 W Coaxial Cable
CH 1
Procedure to Examine Sweep Rate Accuracy
ăStep 1:ăInstall the SDĆ24 Sampling Head into the compartment shown
in the setup diagram (CH 1/CH 2 slot). If the unit was in standby mode
set the ON/STANDBY switch to ON.
ăStep 2:ăInitialize the mainframe as follows:
UTILITY button press...........................................
Initialize (in major menu) touch..............................
Initialize (in verification popĆup menu) touch..................
ăStep 3:ăSet the horizontal record length as follows:
Horizontal Desc (in major menu) touch.......................
Main Record Length (in popĆup menu) touch.................
Set Main Record Len to 1024 points adjust upper knob.........
ăStep 4:ăIdentify the trace as follows:
Def Tra icon touch.............................................
Identify Channel (1) touch...................................
Select Enter Desc touch....................................
Sweep Rate Accuracy