LOG SENSE 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 6-21
Code Flag Flag Type Recommended application client message Probably cause
on Load
The directory on the tape cartridge has been
File search performance will be degraded. The
tape directory can be rebuilt by reading all the data
on the cartridge
Tape drive powered down
with tape loaded, or
permanent error
prevented the tape
directory being updated
13h Nearing Media
I The tape cartridge is nearing the end of its
calculated life. It is recommended that you:
1. Use another tape cartridge for your next backup.
2. Store this tape cartridge in a safe place in case
you need to restore data from it.
Media may have
exceeded its specified
number of passes
14h Clean Now C The tape drive needs cleaning:
1. If the operation has stopped, eject the tape and
clean the drive
2. If the operation has not stopped, wait for it to
finish and then clean the drive.
Check the tape drive user’s manual for device
specific cleaning instructions.
The drive thinks it has a
head clog, or needs
15h Clean Periodic W The tape drive is due for routine cleaning:
1. Wait for the current operation to finish.
2. Then use a cleaning cartridge.
Check the tape drive user’s manual for device
specific cleaning instructions.
The drive is ready for a
periodic clean
16h Expired
C The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape drive
has worn out:
1. Discard the worn out cleaning cartridge.
2. Wait for the current operation to finish.
3. Then use a new cleaning cartridge.
The cleaning tape has
17h Invalid
Cleaning Tape
C The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape drive
was an invalid type:
1. Do not use this cleaning cartridge in this drive.
2. Wait for the current operation to finish.
3. Then use a valid cleaning cartridge.
Invalid cleaning tape type
18h Retention
W The tape drive has requested a retention operation
The drive is having
severe trouble reading or
writing, which will be
resolved by a retention
19h Dual-Port
Interface Error
W A redundant interface port on the tape drive has
Failure of one interface
port in a dual-port
configuration, e.g. Fibre
1Ah Cooling Fan
W A tape drive cooling fan has failed. Fan failure inside tape
drive mechanism or tape
drive enclosure
1Bh Power Supply W A redundant power supply has failed inside the
tape drive enclosure. Check the enclosure user’s
manual for instructions on replacing the failed
power supply.
Redundant PSU failure
inside the tape drive
enclosure or rack
1Ch Power
W The tape drive power consumption is outside the
specified range
Power consumption of the
tape drive is outside
specified range
1Dh Drive
W Preventive maintenance of the tape drive is
Check the tape drive user’s manual for device
specific preventive maintenance tasks or call the
tape drive supplier helpline.
The drive requires
preventative maintenance
(not cleaning).