14.Appendix G: CD-ROM Device Emulation for Disaster Recovery
14-2 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
14.5.4. Read TOC (0x43)
This command shall only be supported in DR mode.
5.4.1. Returned Data (20 bytes)
00 12 01 01 00 14 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 AA 00 00 04 B0 00
14.5.5. Mode Sense/Select Page Code 0x3C
Table 14-1: DR Mode Entry/Exit Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved Reserved Page Code = 3Ch
1 Page Length = 04h
2 Reserved DREnable
DREnable: This bit reflects the status of the DR mode. When the drive enters DR mode, DREnable bit will be set
to 1. This bit shall be reset to zero when the drive exits the DR mode. A Mode Select of Page Code 0x3C with
setting of DREnable bit will force the drive to enter DR mode. With DREnable bit set to zero, the drive will exit the
DR mode. Setting this bit to 1 when the tape is not write-protected shall be rejected with a Check Condition of
Illegal Request (0x05) and ASC of 26h and ASCQ of 02h.
14.6. Reset Handling
While in DR mode, a SCSI reset shall not take the drive out of DR mode. A powered cycle will take the drive out
of DR mode and return the drive to normal operation.