10.APPENDIX C: ASC & ASCQ for AIT (Sony Unique)
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 10-1
10. APPENDIX C: ASC & ASCQ for AIT (Sony Unique)
ASC and ASCQ Assignments for AIT drive (Sony Unique)
Numeric Order
83h 00h Reserved
83h 01h MIC Header Error
83h 02h No MIC Detected
83h 03h MIC Checksum Error
83h 04h MIC out of memory
83h 05h No Data Body Detected in the MIC
83h 06h MIC Read Error
83h 07h No Cassette Detected
83h 08h MIC is not formatted yet
83h 09h MIC Write Fault
83h 0Ah Requested address is write protected on the MIC
83h 0Bh MIC is broken
83h 0Ch MIC format type is undefined
83h 0Dh MIC capacity field indicates illegal value. Acceptable value is 2Kbytes, 4Kbytes, 8Kbytes.
The drive will handle the MIC is 2Kbytes, when capacity field indicates illegal value.
83h 0Eh
: Reserved
83h 7Fh
83h 80h Partition count exceeded
83h 81h Reserved
83h 82h Reserved
83h 83h MIC is exist but is not used
83h 84h
83h 86h
83h 87h Broken MIC is loaded in AIT mode
83h 88h Reserved
83h 89h User Volume Note Size mismatch
83h 8Ah User Partition Note Size mismatch
83h 8Bh
: Reserved
83h 96h
83h 97h Current Partition is not the last partition.
83h 98h Cannot append the new partition, because the remaining capacity too short.
83h 99h Cannot delete partition, because the indicated partition number is not appropriate.
83h 9Ah Encounter the EOT while creating the new partition, append partition command is not
completed. (If a drive misleads the tape capacity by some reason, format command will be
failed on the way. In case of the situation, the Last Partition Number must hold the Last
Valid Partition Number, because it is reasonable and time saving. )
83h 9Bh Cannot format tape because real tape capacity is exceeded.
83h 9Ch Cannot append new partitions because the MIC is out of memory.
83h 9Dh
: Reserved
83h FFh