12.APPENDIX E: Medium Auxiliary Memory Attribute
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 12-11
Note: It is intended that this field provide a unique vendor identification of the vendor who wrote the Host Common
attributes. In the absence of a formal registration procedure, T10 maintains a list of vendor identification codes in
use. Vendors are requested to voluntarily submit their identification codes to T10 to prevent duplication of codes.
0801h APPLICATION NAME: This attribute value contains the name of the application client.
0802h APPLICATION VERSION: This attribute value contains the version of the application client.
0803h USER MEDIUM TEXT LABEL: This attribute value is the user level identifier for the medium.
0804h DATE & TIME LAST WRITTEN: This attribute value contains when the application client last wrote to the
MAM. The format for the string is YYYYMMDDHHMM using a 24-hour time format
Note: The application must update the “Date and Time Last Written” field any time the host attributes contents are
0805h TEXT LOCALISATION IDENTIFIER: This attribute value defines the character set used for attributes with a
text format (Table 12-13).
Value Meaning
00h No code specified (ASCII)
01h ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Europe, Latin America)
02h ISO/IEC 8859-2 (Eastern Europe)
03h ISO/IEC 8859-3 (SE Europe/miscellaneous)
04h ISO/IEC 8859-4 (Scandinavia/Baltic)
05h ISO/IEC 8859-5 (Cyrillic)
06h ISO/IEC 8859-6 (Arabic)
07h ISO/IEC 8859-7 (Greek)
08h ISO/IEC 8859-8 (Hebrew)
09h ISO/IEC 8859-9 (Latin 5)
0Ah ISO/IEC 8859-10 (Latin 6)
0Bh – 7Fh Reserved
80h ISO/IEC 10646 (UCS-2BE)
81h ISO/IEC 10646–1 (UTF-8)
82h – FFH Reserved
0806h BARCODE: This attribute value is the contents of a barcode associated with the medium in the MAM.
0807h OWNING HOST TEXTUAL NAME: This attribute value indicates the host from which that USER MEDIUM
TEXT LABEL originates.
0808h MEDIA POOL: This attribute value indicates the media pool to which this medium belongs.
0809h PARTITION USER TEXT LABEL: This attribute value is a user level identifier for the partition specified by
the PARTITION NUMBER field in the CDB.
080Ah LOAD/UNLOAD AT PARTITION: This attribute value indicates whether the media can be loaded or
unloaded at the Partition specified by the PARTITION NUMBER field in the CDB. If loads and unloads are enabled
for the specified partition, the value of this parameter will be one. If loads/unloads are not enabled for the specified
partition, the value of this parameter will be zero. All other attribute values are reserved. If LOAD/UNLOAD AT
PARTITION is disabled, then loads and unloads are performed at the beginning of the media instead of at the
specified partition. If this attribute is in the nonexistent state then the default action will be to load/unload at the
beginning of media. This field is not supported.