SmartSync/DCP Installation Guide
Running 3780Link GUI for the First Time
The first time that you run 3780Link GUI, you must configure the modem
type to match the type of modem you will be using. 3780Link GUI will
automatically display the “Modify Hardware Settings” window so that you
may select the modem type. In addition, it may be necessary for you to
modify the Link Settings, Terminal Settings, and Transfer Settings to match
the requirements of the remote system(s) to which you will be connecting.
After the configuration settings have been saved, you are ready to begin a
communications session.
A communications session may be started in one of the following two ways:
1. Use the 3780Link GUI menus to interactively issue commands such as
Auto Dial, Send File, and Disconnect.
2. Run a script file that automates the entire communications session. A
script file can be run either through the Transfers | Run Script menu
option of 3780Link GUI or through the 3780Link SO program. You
may customize one of the sample script files or create your own using
the Notepad (available via a button within 3780Link SO) or any text
editor. 3780Link's script language is documented in the 3780Link
User's Guide and in the help file.
The 3780Link GUI Window
The 3780Link GUI window consists of a menu, toolbar, and link state
indicator. The layout of the window is shown below: